More porgress and direction shift.

Here we go again dudes  dudettes and everything inbetween.

Progress: You cna play up to The other green

Bug fixes: All of the text has been reformatted and slightly changed to make everything look clearer during dialouge

Direction Shift: you might notice more than music missing after a certain point, this is intentional as my attention right now is only on the text/story first due to the ever diminishing rom space.

Things are getting extremely tight and i want to see if at least the story can fit in first (Thanks to one of original beta testers in giving me some insight on the original games dev process)

While the Rom does say 4mb due to the compiling process, internally i am at 2.38 mb while also barely having reached the halfway point of act 1, if push comes to shove i will see if i can trim the story to fit all of act 1 into one rom.

If you wanna help out or just see how dev stuff is going, please follow this discord:

All the appreciating and support to the volunteers/helpers:

Backgrounds:            FyreFlynt, XMagma

Quality Assurance:      DamonLive, Hibiki Ale

Touching up Art:        Fyre, Nursefactor

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11 days ago
Katawa Shoujo Demake v 0.2.3.gbc 4 MB
11 days ago

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